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阶梯英语儿歌mp3 59 It's time for breakfast

阶梯英语儿歌mp3 59 It's time for breakfast,阶梯儿童英语歌曲59 It's time for breakfast歌词:

It's time for breakfast
It's time for breakfast!
You'd better hurry!You'd better hurry
or you'll be late!It's time for breakfast!
You'd better hurry!You'd better hurry!
Don't be late!Cereal and milk
and bacon or hamand eggs!
Are you hungry?Yes,I am!
Are you hungry?Yes,I am!
It's time for breakfast!
You'd better hurry!You'd better hurry
or you'll be late!It's time for breakfast!
You'd better hurry!You'd better hurry!
Don't be late!Blueberry pancakes!
Muffins and jam!Or toast!
Are you hungry?Yes,I am!
Are you hungry?Yes,I am!


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