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儿童英语歌曲you're adorable视频

儿童英语歌曲you're adorable视频,you're adorable英语儿歌视频,英语儿歌you're adorable歌词:
A,you're adorable.
B,you're so beautiful.
C,you're so cute and full of charm.
D,you're a darling.
E,you're exciting.
F,you're feather in my arms.
G,you're so good to me.
H,you're so heavenly.
I,you're the one I idolize.
J,we're like jack and jill.
K,you're so kissable.
L,you're the love light in my eyes.
M,N,O,P,I could go on all day.
Q,R,S,T,alphabetically speaking,you're okay.
U,make my life complete,
V,means you're very sweet.W,X,Y,Z.

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