
小鸭子儿童乐园 > 儿歌乐园 > 英文儿歌视频 >

幼儿学英语字母儿歌letter F视频

幼儿学英语字母儿歌letter F视频,letter F英文儿歌视频,英语儿歌letter F歌词:

Fairy likes flowers.Fairy likes foxies.
Fairy likes froggies.\f\ \f\ \f\,
Find them in the forest.Find them in the forest.
\f\ is the sound of  "F."Big F ,little f ,fun,fun,fun.
Fairy likes flowers.Fairy likes foxies.
Fairy likes froggies.\f\ \f\ \f\,
Find them in the forest.Find them in the forest.
\f\ is the sound of  "F."

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