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英文儿歌Ali Baba's Farm

英文儿歌大全mp3栏目提供英语儿歌Ali Baba's Farm在线听及免费下载,英文儿歌Ali Baba's Farm歌词:Ali Ba-ba,he has a little farm,On his farm he has some little lambs,"Baa,Baa"cry his little lambs,On the farm of Ali Ba-ba.Ali Ba-ba,he has a little farm,On his farm he has some little cows,"Moo,Moo"cry his little cows,On the farm of Ali Ba-ba.Ali Ba-ba,he has a little farm,On his farm he has some little pigs,"Oink,Oink"cry his little pigs,On the farm of Ali Ba-ba.

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