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阶梯英语儿歌mp3 25 What's in the box

阶梯英语儿歌mp3 25 What's in the box,阶梯儿童英语歌曲25 What's in the box歌词:

What's in the box
What's in the box? What' in the box?
Can you guess what's in the box?
Is it blue? Is it pink?
It's blue,I think.
What's in the box? What' in the box?
Can you guess what's in the box?
Is it yellow? Is it blue? Is it pink?
It's yellow,I think.
What's in the box? What' in the box?
 Can you guess what's in the box?
Is it green? Is it yellow? Is it blue? Is it pink?
It's green,I think.
What's in the box? What' in the box?
 Can you guess what's in the box?
Is it purple? Is it green? Is it yellow?
Is it blue? Is it pink?
It's purple,I think.
What's in the box? What' in the box? Can you guess what's in the box?
blue 蓝色 yellow 黄色 green 绿色 purple 紫色 pink 粉红色

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