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阶梯英语儿歌mp3 50 on the beach today

阶梯英语儿歌mp3 50 on the beach today,阶梯儿童英语歌曲50 on the beach today歌词:

on the beach today
Who is playing the sand on the beach today?
Who is wearing sunglasses on the beach today?
Who is lying on the blanket on the beach today
and who is building a sand castle on the beach today?
It's sunny . it's hot. And I swimming in the sea.
Would you like to play with me on the beach today?
I am playing the sand on the beach today.
I am wearing sunglasses on the beach today.
I am lying on the blanket on the beach today.
And I am building a sand castle on the beach today.
It's sunny . It's hot. And I swimming in the sea.
Would you like to play with me on the beach today?

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