
小鸭子儿童乐园 > 儿歌乐园 > 儿歌童谣mp3 > 英文儿歌mp3 >

阶梯英语儿歌mp3 38 In my room

阶梯英语儿歌mp3 38 In my room,阶梯儿童英语歌曲38 In my room歌词:

In my room
In my room,there's a bed. And there's a quilt on the bed.
In my room! In my room!
In my room,there's a bed.
And there's a quilt on the bed.
And there's a rug beside the bed. In my room! In my room!
In my room,there's a bed. And there's a quilt on the bed.
And there's a rug beside the bed. And there's a dog on the rug.
In my room! In my room!
In my room,there's a bed. And there's a quilt on the bed.
And there's a rug beside the bed. And there's a dog on the rug.
 And there's a desk beside the bed. In my room! In my room!
In my room,there's a bed. And there's a quilt on the bed.
 And there's a rug beside the bed. And there's a dog on the rug.
 And there's a desk beside the bed.
And there's a radio on the desk. In my room! In my room!



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