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阶梯英语儿歌mp3 27 Fifteen little birds

阶梯英语儿歌mp3 27 Fifteen little birds,阶梯儿童英语歌曲27 Fifteen little birds歌词:

Fifteen little birds
Fifteen little bird singing in the sun.
 Fourteen flew away and that left one.
A lonely little bird singing a song.
Waiting for the others to coming sing along.
Fourteen little bird singing in the sun.
Thirteen flew away and that left one.
A lonely little bird singing a song.
Waiting for the others to coming sing along.
Thirteen little bird singing in the sun.
Twelve flew away and that left one.
 A lonely little bird singing a song.
Waiting for the others to coming sing along.
Twelve little bird singing in the sun.
Eleven flew away and that left one.
A lonely little bird singing a song.
Waiting for the others to coming sing along.
Eleven little bird singing in the sun.
Ten flew away and that left one.
A lonely little bird singing a song.
 Waiting for the others to coming sing along.

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