
小鸭子儿童乐园 > 儿歌乐园 > 英文儿歌视频 > 阶梯英语儿歌 >

阶梯儿童英语歌曲28 Thank you very,very much

阶梯英语儿歌视频28 Thank you very,very much,阶梯儿童英语歌曲28 Thank you very,very much歌词:

Thank you very,very much
where is my T-shirt?where is my T-shirt?
here it is ,here it is
it's in the drawer,it's in the drawer
thank you very much,thank you very very much.
where is my shirt?where is my shirt?
here it is ,here it is
it's on the shelf,it's on the shelf
thank you very much,thank you very very much.
where is my pants?where is my pants?
here they are ,here they are
it's on the shelf,it's on the shelf
thank you very much,thank you very very much.
where is my ties?where is my ties?
here they are ,here they are
it's in the closet,it's in the closet
thank you very much,thank you very very much.
where is my coat?where is my coat?
here it is ,here it is
it's on the bed,it's on the bed
thank you very much,thank you very very much.
shelf 搁板;架子;搁板状物
drawer 抽屉
closet 壁橱

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