
小鸭子儿童乐园 > 儿歌乐园 > 儿歌歌词大全 > 英语儿歌歌词 >

英文儿歌jack and jill歌词


 Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pair of water, 
Jack fell down and broke his crown, 
and Jill came tumbling after.
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pair of water, 
Jack fell down and broke his crown, 
and Jill came tumbling after.

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pair of water, 
Jack fell down and broke his crown, 
and Jill came tumbling after.
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pair of water, 
Jack fell down and broke his crown, 
and Jill came tumbling after.

儿童英语歌曲歌词 英文儿歌歌词 少儿英语歌曲歌词 英语儿歌歌词 儿童英文歌曲歌词 幼儿英语歌曲歌词